It's been a tumultuous 2023 and I'm thrilled 2024 is upon us.
Yes, I'm one of those who likes resolutions. Whether I manage to keep them or not, I like the ritual of goal-setting and the clarity of priorities that come with the territory.
In 2024, I will work for more:
- Health: Close my Apple watch rings everyday.
- Hope: In the darkest of times, there is hope. And I shall cling onto it for dear life.
Just like how I clung onto dear Dumbo in Disneyland last month. :)
- Honesty: I will reflect on what I expect from others and ask for what I want kindly and firmly.
All this may or may not point towards happiness. I've never been one of those pursuing happiness, since I believe that all emotions are valid and chasing happiness is a sure fire recipe for unhappiness. Folks who try to be happy all the time without acknowledging their pain and the spectrum of feelings arising within them are those I tend to stay away from.
Read this article today and felt a strong connection to the author:
Side note is that I'm in the process of switching careers to becoming a psychotherapist. Now that truly makes me happy! :)
Happy New Year to you all!
Pssst - any resolutions?
Of course, as soon as I wrote these, I was motivated to change all of it to include fun and whimsical resolutions. I read an NYT article by Tanya Sichynsky who quoted a certain Suzanne,
“I’m still forming my dreams and goals for 2024, but I’m heavily inspired by my friend Jessica. Her 2023 resolutions were as follows: eat as many different shapes of pasta as possible over the course of the year, try a new fruit every month and smile at every child she saw. I’m heavily leaning into the idea that resolutions can be silly side quests that just exist to wedge more joy into my life.” " I totally want to steal from this list and include: - Try a new fruit every month - Smile the widest smile possible at as many people possible every day - Learn the names of and try a new pasta shape every week |